| Boise House Cleaners Take 1 Compost is basically the equivalent of the good stuff in soil (humus) that sustains plant life. It helps the soil retain moisture, assists with the formation of good soil structure and provides nutrients. Boise House Cleaners Take 2 So much of what we send to landfill consists of vegetation that could be used in our garden. Around 200 pounds of vegetable waste is thrown out by each family, each year. Multiply that by millions of families and that’s a lot of garbage that has to be transported. By setting up your own compost pile you’ll not only be helping your garden, you’ll be helping the planet in other ways. Here are some simple things you can do for more effective composting. Boise House Cleaners Take 3 - It’s important to get the right mix of carbon and nitrogen materials in a compost heap. The carbon based stuff is mainly dry; things like newspaper, straw and dry cuttings. The items rich in nitrogen will mostly be wet - vegetable scraps and lawn clippings. Ideal conditions are said to be 1 part wet/green to 25 parts dry/ brown. You don’t have to be this fussy, but an overly dry compost heap will take ages to break down (been there) and one too wet will start to smell (been there too). It does take a bit of practice and a watchful eye.